Advisor Direct

Vendor/agent sales demographics

Advisor Direct is Larkspur Data’s searchable database of vendor/agent sales demographics.  This database allows users to look up any geographic region and see exactly which carriers are writing the bulk of the business.  Users can also drill down to the advisor level and see which advisors are doing the most business, who they’re placing their business with and what plans they have under management.  Contact information at the advisor level has been updated and enhanced through Larkspur Data’s proprietary industry databases of tens of thousands of the nation’s top producers..

Simple and easy to use

The product was designed to be simple and easy to use.  Users log into the search screen and select “Advisor Search” or “Provider Search”.  Then they are given the option of searching by plan type, plan size, geographic criteria and more.  Once search criteria had been entered, users can generate a list of all providers or advisors doing business in a certain segment of the market.  Users can sort list results by assets, lives or plans under management.  The application even allows users to view detailed information at the plan level.  Once the desired results have been achieved, users can quickly and easily export data for future reference.

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Know your industry.

Use advisor direct’s vast database of vendors and agents to find what you’re looking for.