Datamaster Ez

Single participant retirement plan

DataMaster EZ, is a database-marketing tool designed to help you target the single-participant retirement plan market. We’ve included detailed information on nearly a quarter of a million plans nationwide. The value of this marketing tool is not simply the plan data it contains, but the creative ways that we allow you to access it. Users can search by any combination of dozens of different criteria. Your search can be very basic, for example, just the plans in your zip code. Or you can run more detailed searches focusing on certain asset ranges, plan types and more. Whatever searches you decide to run, simply click on “Find” to discover how many plans fall within your custom parameters. Click on “List” to display a list of all those plans. Then select on any individual plan to see a detailed report with up to 23 fields of information. DataMaster EZ allows you to sort your lists, export to your contact management software, print mailing labels, and more!

datamaster ez


Order Today

Target the Single Participant Market

And let DataMaster EZ handle the data sorting and easy export